UVC Lighting, Indoor Air Quality and More

Keeping your place safe from germs and viruses


Commercial Air, Inc. is here to help you keep your facilities safe and maintain you air quality. We offer access controls, UVC Lighting, thermal cameras, outside air ventilation, building pressurization, air filtration, humidity control, air quality monitoring and we can help with ozone generation. Click here for more information. If you would like more information on Steril-Aire UVC lights as stated in the PDF, please click the Steril-Aire logo below.
Steril - Aire logo for UVC lighting company

Corona Virus & UVC lighting

The 2019 Novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19, is a new respiratory virus first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in many different species of animals, including swine, cats, cattle, camels and bats. Rarely, animal coronaviruses can infect people and then spread between people such as with MERS, SARS, and now with COVID-19. It’s important to note that how easily a virus spreads person-to-person can vary. Some viruses are highly contagious, while other viruses are less so. There is much more to learn about the transmissibility, severity, and other features associated with COVID-19 and investigations are ongoing. Most often, spread of novel coronavirus from person-to-person is believed to happen among close contacts (about 6 ft or 2m). Person-to-person spread is thought to occur mainly via respiratory droplet nuclei produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, like how influenza and other respiratory pathogens spread. These droplet nuclei can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. If these droplets are hearty enough to survive a period of time in the air, they can be spread in a building by the air handling system. Previous Corona family of viruses have shared similar traits of vulnerability to UVC at varying dosage (see chart A). Viruses that are airborne can be safeguarded against with high doses of UVC in the Airstream. Steril-Aire has control mechanisms to stop that spread.

The Most Effective COVID-19 Control

For the most effective microbial control, Steril-Aire UV germicidal Emitters are installed on the supply side of the system, downstream from the cooling coil and above the drain pan. This location provides more effective biofilm and microbial control than in-duct UVC installations. The recirculating air in HVAC systems creates redundancy in exposing microorganisms to UVC, ensuring multiple passes so the light energy is effective against large quantities of airborne microorganisms. Steril-Aire UVC delivers the highest UVC output, driving HVAC system efficiency while improving indoor air quality.

Fighting Airborne Viruses

Commercial Air, Inc. is here to help you keep your facilities safe and maintain you air quality. We offer access controls, UVC Lighting, thermal cameras, outside air ventilation, building pressurization, air filtration, humidity control, air quality monitoring and we can help with ozone generation.
Access controls can assist you in controlling who enters your facilities. In combination with automatic door openers, this can greatly reduce the transmission rates on the constant contact items like door knobs.
UVC Lighting for sterilizing the air of germs, viruses, mold, and mildew. The UVC Lighting can be placed in your HVAC&R equipment, in specialized air filtration units, and can even be installed at your entrances (troffers and portals) to significantly reduce infection transmission rates.

Click here for some COVID 19 and UVC lighting info.
Click here for Troffer light air sanitizing.
Click here for building entry sanitizing.
Click here for more information on Steril-Aire UVC.
Click here for information on small unit UV protection by REME-HALO.
Click here for Non-Contact Temperature Checks and Thermal Camera options.

Outside Air Ventilation is a must to keep fresh clean air entering your facility while getting possibly contaminated air out.
Building pressurization is to ensure that you keep air leakage minimized so you know your indoor environment is properly controlled and is only exposed in ways you are aware.

Air Filtration is how to keep your air and equipment clean. But the right high efficiency filters including HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filtration levels are needed, as well as changing your filters correctly and proper disposal of old filters.
Humidity control in indoor environments is highly import. High humidity allows things like mold, mildew and other biologicals to grow and live for extended times on surfaces.

Air Quality monitoring is one way to check your facility. Particle Counters and gas level sensors (CO2, CO, NO2, Smoke, toxic, combustibles, and more) are all items of concern to ensure your safety.

Ozone generation is for deodorizing, disinfecting, killing dangerous or irritating airborne particles in indoor environments (such as mold and mildew). Every lightning storm produces ozone naturally in our atmosphere, it is the fresh smell we identify after a storm passes.
Let us know if you we can help you with the proper application for your facility of these or any other items/processes you are interested in utilizing.

Need Your Business Protected from Corona Virus?

If your goal is to maintain higher indoor air quality and protect those in your environment, then your best option is to contact Commercial Air at 501-562-6982 in Little Rock or 479-365-7764 in Springdale.
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